The Building Commission recently published an amendment to the Building Regulations 2012 in the Government Gazette that came into effect on 6th October 2018. The amended regulation was created in response to the Building Ministers’ Forum agreement on preventing the use of aluminium composite cladding in some scenarios and recognising the public safety concerns and clear risk arising around the use of cladding that does not comply with the National Construction Code.

The amended regulation and applicable building standards will affect all Class 2 – 9 buildings of Type A and Type B constructions, including ancillary elements such as non-required signs affixed to a Type A or Type B building. The amendment provides for the creation of Regulation 31HA which prescribes new applicable building standards for non-combustible external walls (most notably the use of certain types of aluminium composite cladding).

If you would like to know more about how this may affect your next project, please contact one of our Building Surveyors on 6114 9356.

The below link is the Industry Bulletin, which outlines the new requirements of the new regulation and answers some FAQ’s:

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